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Pabst Receives Award

October 26, 2018
Missoula County Attorney Kirsten Pabst has received the highest award from the United State Forest Service Law Enforcement & Investigations program for her longstanding cooperation with the agency and dedication to protecting people, property and natural resources of Northern Region.
Agent Tyler Robinson congratulated Pabst and said, “The award presented to Kirsten and her staff is for many years of dedicated service in supporting our program. A typical Forest Service Officer covers approximately ¾ of a million areas. We are spread thin and greatly appreciate the support we have received form the Missoula County Attorney’s Office under Kirsten’s leadership.”
Pabst said, “It is our honor to work with such professional, responsive law enforcement officers. The Forest Service law enforcement branch is a community partner and regularly provides assistance to our local criminal justice partners.”
The USFS Law Enforcement & Investigations program has approximately 600 uniformed officers and special agents nationwide and investigates crimes that occur in and around our National Forests and work together with local law enforcement officers in rural and large geographical counties like Missoula. The agency handles a variety of cases including human trafficking, drug distribution rings, sexual assault, arson, criminal mischief, trespassing, snowmobile violations and many others.